Non Fungible

Non Fungible (NF) is a XUMM xApp to manage and interact with all aspects of XRP Ledger NFTs issued via the XLS-20 standard, regardless of issuer or marketplace.

Home Sectionpreview

Home Section

View relevant XRPL NFT statistics such as features, rarity, owners, mints, burns and sales. Advertise via banners, featured placements, list placements, and mailing lists.

Portfolio Sectionpreview

Portfolio Section

Non Fungible has been designed to make viewing all existing NFTs and NFT collections, as well as all possible media types, regardless of where they were minted, possible within one place.

My NFTspreview


Interact with your own NFT collection and share them with your friends.

NFT Detail Viewpreview

NFT Detail View

Admire the art you collected and see all relevant information about it.



Explore all existing NFTs on the XRPL and collections on any marketplace.

Explore Collectionspreview

Explore Collections

Browse collections in detail and find the next item you want to own.

Open Non Fungible xApp

In Development

A wide variety of features are currently in development, including:

  • NFT Transfer
  • Advanced XRPL statistics
  • Advanced NFT metadata info


0.3.9 (21/02/2023)
  • [Feature] Initial release with core functionality